Bags Packed

Saturday, November 27, 2004

In defence of housewives

Sunday, September 26, 2004

There was a time when I would look down on anyone who called themselves a ‘housewife’. The term immediately conjured up images of someone who simply wasn’t interested in life anymore - a lazy bum who spent their waking hours cooking and watching daytime telly. Someone who had no ambition, no drive, desire or self-esteem. In those days I was a hotshot career woman working in a fancy television channel and I could afford to have this stereotypical, holier-than-thou attitude.But years went by and my family grew. Now, I have consciously chosen to put my career on hold to raise my family. To spend time with children. To not juggle career and home life. To not make a martyr of myself by trying to do it all. Sure, there are women out there who manage to run a career and be a mother. I’m just not one of them. So now, I am something I never thought I would be - a housewife. And guess what? It’s my choice.

People think I no longer have an ambition or drive or desire to do something. Of course not. There are so many things I do in my day and so much more I plan for. I ran a marathon last year and plan to do a triathlon next. Isn’t that ambition? I take care of my son in way that no nursery or crèche can do. Doesn’t that count for much?When I examined my motive for working (in an office), two things came up – working because we need the money and working because it gave me a lot of satisfaction. About money, my husband and I decided to live cheaply by cutting down on unnecessary expenses. In any case, what I’d earn and what I’d pay in childcare, I’d be left with little at the end of the day. As far as satisfaction goes, I’m clear in that nothing can ever equal the satisfaction of being there for one’s child.Sometimes I think that being a mother is not valued enough in this world. There is no salary, no promotion, no holidays, no weekends, no retirement, no pension, no job-title and sometimes, no recognition. How I would love introduce myself as a ‘stay-at-home mother’ and not feel sorry about it. Writing this piece is my own form of catharsis. Yes, I feel good now. I’m a housewife and proud of it.


  1. Well said! The role of a mother or a housewife is perhaps the most under-appreciated one. The achievements of a mother/housewife shows up in the career of her husband or in the achievements of her kids, maybe thats the reason why they say, behind every man's success, there lies the hand of a woman!

  2. Beautifully written post...All the money in the world would not equal my mom waiting at the doorteps and enquiring about my day at work...Housewives, nay homemakers, rock...

  3. truely moved ammani. my sister has given up her career to raise her kid, I know how much sacrifice she has done and will do in the future.

    Hats off to you.

  4. Hi Ammani,
    I too stayed at home for 2 years to raise my daughter. Felt that money can be earned later, but my child's tender years will never come back. Wanted to stay home until she was 3, but circumstances changed and I had to enter the workforce.

    I've never regretted my decision to stay home with her - those years are precious! Hold your son close and enjoy his growing years.

    P.S: Thanks for visiting my blog. The "wait for sibling" story is real, not fiction :)

  5. What's so new about it all ? This is what you are supposed to do if you are a woman, we've been told for centuries. And this is what women used to all those centuries. And, why do you have to defend yourselves ?

    And, how could anyone say the role of mother/housewife is underappreciated ? Look at all those women's mags you've been reading. And they will tell you how precious is a mother for society, the hand that rocks the cradle... etc.

    reading your post, i understand one thing. that the old timers were right when they insisted that girls needed no education. in that way, they will never waste their energies in defending themselves for doing what they are expected to do.


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