Bags Packed

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Look, there goes a vegetarian!

I am a vegetarian. By birth. As opposed to someone who has chosen to become one for political or health reasons or simply because it is fashionable. Let me explain, I was born in a family that has always eaten vegetarian food and it was natural for me to follow suit. I have lived in places where vegetarian food is available a great deal and the choices are aplenty. I have been fortunate enough not to have gone to some places in Romania where, rumour has it that, the only food available during winter months is sausage.
Anyway, these days that fact that I've never (knowingly) tasted meat has become my USP. My party trick. My sex appeal. People always want to know what on earth I eat! So imagine my delight when I recently came across this poem by Benjamin Zephaniah - a rasta British poet who famously turned down an OBE, eats only organic vegan food and writes some deliciously wonderfully poems that are pleasure on the ear. Pass it on, if you please.

Vegan Delight
Ackees, chapatties
Dumplins an nan,
Channa an rotis
Onion uttapam,
Masala dosa
Green callaloo
Bhel an samosa
Corn an aloo.
Yam an cassava
Pepperpot stew,
Rotlo an guava
Rice an tofu,
Puri, paratha
Sesame casserole,
Brown eggless pasta
An brown bread rolls.
Soya milked muesli
Soya bean curd,
Soya sweet sweeties
Soya's de word,
Soya bean margarine
Soya bean sauce
What can mek medicine?
Soya of course.
Soya meks yoghurt
Soya ice-cream,
Or soya sorbet
Soya reigns supreme,
Soya sticks liquoriced
Soya salads
Try any soya dish
Soya is bad.
Plantain an tabouli
Cornmeal pudding
Onion bhajee
Wid plenty cumin,
Breadfruit an coconuts
Molasses tea
Dairy free omelettes
Very chilli.
Ginger bread, nut roast
Sorrell, paw paw,
Cocoa an rye toast
I tek dem on tour,
Drinking cool maubi
Meks me feel sweet,
What was dat question now?
What do we eat?

1 comment:

  1. I am a vegetarian by choice, not for fashion, not for health reasons, but couldn't bear to eat something that was living sometime ago. :(

    (Samething bothers me now and then when I eat vegetables, particularly root veggies, and greens:( Then I say to myself too much imagination is not good for health. That's whn I eat fish! :) )


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