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Friday, March 18, 2005

A quick tale 6

She could not believe this was happening to her. To her! The Champion of women’s rights, Feminist incarnate, Guardian angel of the downtrodden et cetra et cetra was now sitting before an elderly couple answering questions about her life. They were here to do a pre-selection. If they found her suitable, they would let her meet their son in the next round. And if their son gave her his approval, she would then become his bride.

She was doing the very thing she rebelled against all her life. Arranged marriage, breeding babies and getting trapped by duty were things she had scoffed at in her youth. But at 28, there wasn’t much room for idealism and she was beginning to doubt her convictions. Maybe marriage wasn’t such a bad thing. All her friends had done it, she reasoned.

Just then the old woman in front of her cleared her throat and asked in low voice, “er…do you get your periods every month?” Surely the lady wasn’t asking her about that. “Sorry?” said the girl. The might-be-mother-in-law repeated, “you know, your monthlies, do you get them regularly?” Our girl was stung. She thought for a moment and replied for all to hear, “Yes I do. I get my periods every month, without fail. And your son, what’s his sperm count?” Oddly enough, no one got the joke.


  1. Loved it :-)
    - Indi

  2. your quick tales are brilliant! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Brilliant..such quick-witted retorts are, simply, WOW!

  5. Heh,

    Bet the mother_in_law_tobe/mightbe would have been damn shocked when asked about her son's count. A girl when she sees her sis gettin married takes a vow that shes never gonna offer a dowry or never is gonna be hustled by her inlaws but before she knows it she falls in too. Marriage politics are just too much if ya ask me


  6. Hi! Got to your blog via blog explosion. Very cool. Have a great day! :)

  7. grr two mistakes!... how daft could i get?!


  8. As always, a thousand dollars for every word of yours. Well written, and hopefully not the case anymore in reality.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I don't know I might be wrong..but aren't your quick tales mostly about trapped married women?

  11. good presence of mind..too gud


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