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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A quick tale 34


She looks at photos taken ten years ago and exclaims how young she looked back then. How soft and uncreased, her skin. No sign of worry and how carefree!
And she will look again, many years from now, at a photo taken today and say the same thing.


  1. And if she could look at a photo from the future, taken many years from now, she would exclaim at the heights she has scaled. How accomplished and distinguished a woman she had become. And what a wonderful story-teller she turned out to be.

    - An eternal optimist =)

  2. I have always thought like this when seeing a kid's photo...especially boys.

  3. 2 QTs in a day? Are we blessed or what? :D

    Nice story and an apt comment by Surya.

    Nothing better than today, here, now with the memories that accompany us.

  4. Somehow I get this feeling that going back in time wouldnt be a very happy affair either...

  5. wow!@in a day.Thz and surya's cooments is so true.down memory lane we will be thinking about your tens and thousands of Qts.Good one .

  6. that's suppose to be wow2QTs in a day:)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. no wonder, one day, ammani's QTs will be released as a book! gud job.

  9. lol.. another common reaction to seeing old photos.. "I don't believe I actually used to dress like that.. I don't believe I actually thought I looked cool and fashionable in that set of clothes!"

  10. good one ammani,
    "nettraya naan indru illai
    indraya naan nalai illai"

  11. so true ... but i think not everyone looks at it like that :-) ..

    another way of looking at would be .. how unplished, how naive, how immature, how confused she was :-)

  12. Ammani, so true. Instead of living for the moment we seem to either living in the past or in the future all the time. I do anyway:)

    Loved Surya's comment

  13. Photo! Photo! In the hall
    Who's the fairest of them all?

    "You, You, MY DEAR,
    But ONLY IN THE PHOTO taken back TEN YEARS"


  14. This is such a farce!

    Alright - now that I have grabbed your attention (unless you're too busy to look at the rave reviews people give you), can you suggest a couple of good libraries in London (I'm hoping you know of some of them). As for my tastes, I read anything and have no taste to speak of.

  15. Hi Ammani,

    That is life exactly in a nutshell. You have put it in a most perfect manner. Keep going.

  16. I cant believe it when i see my own pictures.... from a few years back...
    "I used to wear miniskirts and do modelling????" lol..

  17. nice QT ammani. adhai vida nice comment surya!!!


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