Bags Packed

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A quick tale 63

Did anyone see?

A brush, a comb, half-eaten pack of Mintos, a loyalty card from that Bagel store, a picture of Luz Pillayar, a packet of kungumam from Anjaneyar temple, a folded pamphlet for Medieval Jousting with the telephone number of someone named Andrea scribbled at the back, a telephone card, two paper clips, two 2p coins, green crayon, red crayon, black pen cap, that particularly nice shade of lipstick from Bodyshop, a knitting needle, a sanitary pad, a bill for £3.83 from Marks and Spencer all housed inside a brown bag which I forgot to take with me as I got down from the train.


  1. hi ammani,
    been here a couple of times. first time to comment. nice blog site. i am amazed at how ur mind can churn out these tales almost everyday. can i get a little loan of your creativity??

  2. Great one! .. your post describes a purse that every Indian girl knows about :)


  3. Mine matches to some level, and once in a while have lil trouble explaining to someone what exactly kungumam and vibhoothi are made of.

    PS: may you find what u lost pretty soon.

  4. Heh... just tell me this, what on earth did you manage to buy in M&S that costs only £3.83? :) :)

  5. lovely...and if you have kids.. a couple of broken cracker bits, chocolates wrappers...

  6. i too lost one of the same kind while in chennai.good one.


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