Bags Packed

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A quick tale 65

Sometime during the 4th round

‘What is the capital of Burundi?’ boomed the quizmaster.

Who cares? he thought. No, strike that. Who the bleeding fuck cares? What purpose does the capital of Burundi serve apart from making occasional appearances in corporate quizzes like this one? Have you ever met anyone that has been to Burundi? Or visited its questionable capital city? Who comes up with these questions? What is the point of this quiz? Why are we here? What is the reason for life?

He had a sudden, overwhelming urge to pull his pants down, haul his shirt over his head and run around the stage deranged shouting ‘Burundi! Burundi!’

‘Bujumbura’, answered team C.


  1. That was excellent Ammani. Delighted to have you back (I had almost stopped checking on to Jikku and was pleasantly surprised to see it renewed).

  2. hahahhahhha

    hahahhahaha !!!

    oh hahahaha !!!

    heheheheh !!!! hehhe heah !!wonderful

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. :D hey! i've felt like that soo many times - attending some boring meeting wondering why everyone is making such a fuss over the font... and i keep thinking what would they say if i got up on the table and started singing 'nila adhu vaanathu ...'

  5. Ha ha ha ha

    that was a v.good one.. Reminded me of my Bharatbala Production days where we used to sit for hours together for a meeting on making YET ANOTHER video for patriotism and the great Big B's sermon on -
    how the country is ignoring freedom fighters,
    we have to bring back pride in Indians blah blah blah..
    Who the bloody hell cares? (at the end of it he was anyways going to make his crores..)yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwn

  6. brain washing is what these kind of stuff aim at

  7. Seconding Chenthil.
    Shoe Find :)))

  8. Insightful and incisive, Ammani, as always - but reason for life? Absurd! Its like the dog you think to be your very best friend wondering what the meaning of HIS life is! Nobody has come up with a convincing 'reason' since the last 10,000 years atleast. I dread the day it gets revealed. That would rob the joy of living!! Hence go on...join 'em with gusto. Shout 'Bujumbara' as if your life depended on it as it seems to the participants on these shows on TV.


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