Bags Packed

Monday, November 07, 2005

A quick tale 95

The day you lost faith

She sits across the café from you, in the same spot, day after day. And her order never changes. A chocolate doughnut, large fries, cheeseburger and a caffe latte with cream. How she manages to stay a size 8 on that diet remains a mystery to you. You watch her devour her lunch as you cautiously pick at your salad because you read somewhere that eating slowly makes you eat less. You could chew on one leaf of lettuce for an entire lunch hour.

Looking at her, you console yourself that she’s probably a bimbette. In fact, you’re certain that she is a brainless twat, a 23-year old infant with boobs. The next day, you see her reading something about Ergonomics and solving Kakuro simultaneously while stirring her fourth sugar cube into the coffee cup. So what, you tell yourself, she’s probably got a lousy personal life. You’re convinced she’s been jilted a thousand times. Actually, you’re sure that she gets just one Christmas card each year. From her credit card company. The following day, you see her lunching with the neighbourhood George Clooney. Ha, you say to yourself, bet she’s a non-starter in the career department. She probably works for a pharmaceutical company testing new drugs on herself. Or in a factory making little cocktail umbrellas wearing a thimble all day. You certainly weren’t expecting her to interview you for your new job. And that was the day, 23rd of February 2005 that you lost all faith in god.


  1. Ahem!!Am reading so much into this blank space:) Great work Ammani...:)

  2. Ammani Superb tale :)

    Way to go..waiting for u r 100th tale to go with u r first anniversary


  3. oh god, this is brilliant!

  4. Ammani, that was superb....and hilarious :) woman, you need to publish!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. such women are the minions of the devil put on earth to make us lose faith in the Lord almighty... so says Revered High Priestess Shoefiend

  7. mind is a prejudice...

  8. I just loved this story. And it is soooo true... I have heard it said so many times of people who seem "purrfect" that things can't be all THAT good - there OUGHT to be some skeletons somewhere.

  9. so much for hope! don't we all hate that word?!!


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