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Friday, January 13, 2006

A quick tale 105

Yesterday, around tea time

A woman is reading a newspaper in a cafe. She has just come across a news item which claims that studies have revealed that 53% of all married men have thought about infidelity at some point in their marriage. Why, the woman realises with a start, that's nearly every other married man! Which means, she considers, it could be this man here, that one there and this chubby old man sitting across the room from me and staring at my boobs lustfully.


  1. The same study had a disclaimer at the bottom..

    "28% of women have had the same feeling of infidelity towards their husbands at some point of time."

    Thats when she realised it could be her too,who was enjoying the way the bald old man across the room was lustfully looking at her boobs,which she had wantedly flaunted just as a bait for attention.

  2. ...and staring down at a kid drinking putti paal...
    "who knows?! in future, even this kid could grow up to be one among the group of philanderers"

    enna panna?? ellam manufacturing defect thaan ;-) like Sachein says in Sachein

  3. Ammani

    It's nice to weave a little tale from a slice of life.
    But oftentimes, I wonder if the thought process is complete in your tale. (It used to your tales of yore - (ahem..that sounds nice doesn't it)).

    I have noticed a certain Anonymous, tries to `round it off' with a little extension...which makes good reading.

    Maybe you can complete the thoughtprocesses. OR I would be as flummoxed as the lady in the coffeeshop.

  4. don't belive the so called surveys...they are made to make you believe what they want you to...

  5. Quite possible. And I wouldn't put it past that chubby old man too :)
    Hope Pongal went fine, btw.

  6. :-) Cant help musing about it. Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Meet Joe Black". Seen it? There is a scene where Brad Pitt and Claire Forlani meet at the cafe. Thoughts criss cross and ends up as a talk. And you would naturally happen to look at other people in the cafe and wonder what they were! I used to do this as a passtime sitting at Starbucks opp the Empire State building in NYC. Quite a crowd you get there. :-) Take a seat by the window and you can spend an eternity studying human nature!

  7. Interesting tale. We tend to apply surveys to our immediate surroundings and wonder who participated in them! How've you been? :-)


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