Bags Packed

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Not a story but reads like one

I was on my usual evening run - sprinting down the last hundred yards or so, visualising the afternoon's excesses melting away, picturing myself in a size 10 skinny jeans, doing my Kelly Holmes imitation - when, at a distance, I spotted an old red VW Golf parked in the middle of the road. The hazard lights were switched off and only the left indicator was blinking. It is a 50 mile zone and I was thinking what an odd place for a car to be parked in. And dangerous too, as other cars seemed to notice the parked car only at a close quarter and were avoiding it narrowly. As I drew nearer, my curiousity was piqued but a recent unpleasant incident alerted me to possible mischief.

I noticed the driver stretching his hand out of the passenger window to draw my attention. I slowed to a jog and carefully peered inside the car. The driver was a 60 plus gentleman with a friendly smile on his face. Hello, he said. Hello, I greeted warily. Don't worry, I'm not a dirty old man, he tried to reassure me. So, you would tell me if you were one?, I wanted to ask but simply nodded. I'm not a dirty old man, he repeated noting my guarded expression. And then, quite unexpectedly he asked me if I had a problem. Did I have a problem with what? I didn't understand what he was getting at. Sorry? Do you have a problem?, he persisted. Problem? No problem. Why do you ask?, I replied still unclear where all this was going. No, he hastened to add before I got the wrong idea, I saw you running very fast. I thought, may be you had an emergency. And I was wondering if I could offer you a lift. His explanation caught me unaware. I grinned stupidly and gently assured him that everything was fine and that I was simply out on a jog. Oh, bless, he smiled before engaging his car in gear. I thanked him profusely and as I saw the red car drive away into the distance, I felt extremely grateful for the crisis I never had. And tears were stinging my eyes.


  1. how often people are misjudged..!!

  2. that is so sweet!
    feels nice to know that there are good ones still around..

    helps so much to kepp the faith!!

  3. did that reallly happen?

  4. One never knows what awaits around the little bends and turns in life.

  5. That is scary. Still, Ammani, if I were you, I would still not trust that guy.

  6. How reassuring it is to know that there are still people who believe in helping someone they don't even know.

  7. that is so sweet!!!I am surprised that there are still ppl like him..=)

  8. LOL. that was fun. i can relate to this as i always embarass myself in similar ways. ;)

  9. Its sad how we misjudge people

  10. Maybe the BLANK Noise Project Folks shud learn a thing or two from this !!! Not all men are cruel and bad towards ladies !!

  11. wow.. shows us doesnt it ,that human nature hits u when u least expect it

  12. Was he a good man or not? Like a good story (albeit a real one this time), that conclusion is left to the reader!

  13. Hi Ammani,

    Seems like Jikku has grown up really big, in the last 1 year ! So seems to be the visitors to your site and your short stories :-)

    but, I still liked your old scheme / design / layout whatever !

    Had been buys, so am here after quite some time, there's so much to read ! :-)

  14. Yeah
    it depends on what glasses you wear when u see the world if u smile world will smnile back
    Gandhiji told
    aap bhale to jag bala
    (if u are good world is good)

  15. Why would he think that you had an emergency? Were you jogging in a formal attire or something? My curiosity is picked/piqued.

  16. really lovely:)
    and the templte is nice! i love the ----oOo---- especially:D

  17. Yes...there are still people like that old Gentleman. Sometimes people mistake them too. It is good that you answered him politely. I have gone voluntarily to help couple of occasions, and was given a rude reply. Now I think twice to offer any help.

  18. apropos of nothing,of course, I saw Lakshmi's kadhai ella nijam and was very unimpressed with the proceedings.


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