Bags Packed

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A quick tale 143

Lift floor. My eyes follow the lift's descent as it comes to rest with a gentle thud. I wait impatiently for the doors to slide open when I see you scurrying to join me. Damn! Why can't you wait and take the next one? I quickly shuffle inside and look the other way. Which?, I demand. Eighth, you answer. Three floors before I get off. Good. I press the buttons. An awkward silence follows. I busy myself with my bag. Like I'm searching for something important. I find a ball-point pen. From the corner of my eye I see you looking at me. Please don't start talking. I have no interest in you. I'm still looking inside my bag. Sanitary pads, chewing gums, train tickets, spare change, car keys, band-aids, old bills.

Where are we now? Still only on the 4th floor! Why are these lifts always supremely lethargic? You cough. I can feel a question coming. Something inanely pointless. That strangers stuck in a lift together feel compelled to ask. Usually about the weather. Please don't start. I'll ignore you. I promise I will. Look, we're on the 6th floor already. Not long to go. So don't start now. You cough again. Oh dear, don't. Ah, yes, I've just found my mobile phone in my bag. I'll start fiddling with it. That should deter you from trying to make conversation. The lift is slowing. After an eternity, it finally eases to a stop. I can feel my shoulders sag with relief as I see you walking out of the door. And that's when I notice. You stuff your mobile phone into your shirt pocket. As if you had been fiddling with it all along.


  1. where do you get your inspiration from? you write so well.... good luck and keep writing.

  2. podi podi punnakku podatha thappu kanakku lol

  3. If I happen to see you in a lift, I will not cough, touch my mobile... LOL... Creative thinking... Hmm.. I have always thought what the other person in the lift could be thinking. So, if someone tries to fiddle with their mobile, it is just to avoid talking. Is it....

  4. I am surprised and awed in your ability to bring out the quirks in human nature, that are both true and funny. Keep up the good work

  5. Hi Ammani,

    I really like your blog, Ammani.
    I just wanted to say that.

    I tried to ape your style in my blog,
    but cannot really snap the ending.

    unfortunately far away,

  6. Of late, the stories seem more to do with vignettes from your own daily life (I could be wrong here, just a guess), rather than fiction. Dont know why I've been getting that feeing - But I liked the original QTs style better....

  7. nice... been a regular QT reader but still didnt see the end coming. made me smile :)

  8. Yet another brilliant QT !

  9. I pictured every word!So well-written...Happens to all of us, yet you managed capturing the essence of the situation so well... :)

  10. brilliant...cant tell you the number of times i go through similar thought process + actions. one observation : many ppl in a lift are forever looking at the floor number in the display as the lift moves as if secretly putting all their extra sensory powers at work to move the lift faster!

  11. :-) I'v always been a big fan of your tales !

    and co-incidentally, I just blogged about a lift incident, and came over to yours and totally didn't expect to see this ;)

    Really nice one, it's just like you read others minds, or rather you read yours and just scribe :)

  12. oh i loved this post! i do it all the time - avoid, avoid, avoid.

  13. I normally don't read other people's blogs, but I just found out today that i can access blogs from work, and it sure as heck beats staring at an empty comupter screen and waiting for the phone to ring. I came across yours while Blog-hopping and I can say without a doubt, I'm going to be a regular visitor :)


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