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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Marathon Mummy

" birth was tougher than a marathon", says this year's New York marathon winner Paula Radcliffe. We agree!


  1. Thanks for the link.
    Does this mean that I (who have given birth) might actually be able to run a marathon??
    It's nice to dream, isn't it?
    Love your blog, it's like opening a gem-filled treasure chest.

  2. kamini

    You are commenting to someone who ran and COMPLETED the London Marathon within a year of giving birth!i see you are relatively new to this blog.
    Ammani if i can take the liberty to say it....ok i've said it!!

    Like they say"Impossible is Nothing"

  3. Wow, I had NO idea! I was just being facetious. Sorry. Ammani, that is a terrific achievement, particularly since I remember I was such a wreck for quite a while after I had my kids. Impossible is Nothing, indeed!
    Yes, I am quite a newcomer here, have to keep digging to catch up, I guess.


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