Bags Packed

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Brilliant-er and brilliant-er

It seems churlish not to pass on the honours that others have been so kindly handed to me. Including ones which I missed the first time around. Thanks, Umm & Priya.

So here goes. A few blogposts which are think are quite extraordinary.

1. Neha's ode to paavakkai

2. Sharanya's Valentine to her city

3. Varali on Havaldar Biglu Singh

4. Dr. Acharya Somuchidononanda Pandey's valuable insights on a recent excavation

5. 30in2005 talks about walking into a room and owning it

6. Lalita's delicious little poem

7. And Dubious Moves' moving tribute to his (?!) late friend


  1. thnx for the links...
    those were gud..!!


  2. you make me blush!

  3. Thanks. In august company and all too.

  4. Enjoyed all the pieces.

    But I will be honest and agree that Acharya Pandey really stumped me. I read through it fast and only got a little disturbed at the rats mating happily part - man these vedic people sending horses around and mating rats too I chuckled and wondered what could Paalita Buryam mean - sounded funny ... some funny buryam was being cared for?!

    Nehru sending onions part, reminded me of certain tamil way of satiring, but didnt take it seriously and except for those tiny doubts, I almost took him seriously, until I saw the comment hinting on satire!

    Thankfully finally I saw the label was "humor" ...Acharya definitely got me for a few minutes I would agree!


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