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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lost in Post

To a little boy

It cannot be easy being you. A follow-up act to your more devilishly charming, flamboyant older brother. Before you were born, I was convinced that no child could ever take the special place your brother had come to occupy in my life. I used to argue with your father you would always be a second-born. A runner-up. A bridesmaid (or a best-man, as you turned out to be). That you could never be the prized, cherished, celebrated apple of my eye that my firstborn child was. But how easily you tore down my flimsy little conviction. The minute I saw you, I knew I was gone. What was worse, I succumbed willingly.

My fears that you would be overshadowed by your brother have proven unfounded. Over the past year, you have come into your own as a person. Your brother demands and challenges our love and attention. You, on the other hand, are much more accepting of our distractions with him. It is almost as if you understand that he is used to being the star of the show for much of his life. That you want to let him have the limelight a little longer. And when you do that, in a clever, subversive way, you become the prized child. I guess that’s how it will always be. I will be torn between the two of you. Unable to decide which of my sons I favour more.

They say the world is made for a family of four – dining tables, cars, parents (one for each child). You were the last piece in our puzzle. Thank you for completing the picture.

Happy first birthday, Tikku!



(l-r) Tikku, Ammani, Jikku


  1. Delurking to say 'Happy Birthday, little Tikku'.
    Lovely picture... is that you behind the kids?

  2. Happy budday to Junior. Facebook paaru

  3. Wow! So cute! Here is wishing your son a happy birthday!

  4. Tikku- happy birthday and that was a beautiful post by your mother

  5. Awww!! Happy Birthday to the little one :)

  6. He is ONE?? Happy Birthday, Tikku!

  7. :D Happy Birthday Tikku!

  8. Happy birthday Tikku. Lovely words mom.

  9. Happy Birthday Tikku xx

  10. Happy Bday Tikku Kutti!!!

    BTW he shares his Bday with my hubby...u know who:)))


  11. Happy birthday and a hug to Tikku!


  12. Happy B'day to Tikku. Cute post. Second child just captures your heart in a slow and steady way..isn't it.

    I am feeling all teary eyed as my son will turn 1 this month and I think of last year when he was kicking me in my tummy. I am sure you might concur with the feeling.

    I loved the second pregnancy more in the later days as I felt this is the last!! Last time to get pampered and get all the attention in this world.

  13. Your post just stung my eyes with tears that had no business being there - without being maudlin and moppy, you threw out what your second eye means to you! Happy Birthday Tikku! And Congratulations Jikku - despite your misgivings about being a perfect mother (based on your own posts of course!), you are the best in 2 little one's eyes.

  14. Happy Birthday little Tikku!
    Ammani-hope you keep this for him to see, when he's old enough.

  15. Thank you all! Really appreciate it.

  16. I wish I had written this!:-)
    Happy Birthday Tikku.

  17. sorry i am late- but happy birthday tikku!
    lovely post...

  18. what a lovely birthday message, my heartfelt wishes to Tikku and the "happy family of 4"!
    i'm at your blog after ages and i'm convinced its been ages indeed :)

  19. I have no idea who yu r.. just bumped in to this blog..and loveddd this post of all!! really touches the heart of a simple gal like me ..!! :)


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