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Friday, July 29, 2005

A quick tale 51

After all this time

He was the one she was in love with many years ago. She could recognise that voice anywhere in the world. She turned around to see him. His once-lean frame now sagged under prosperity. The firm jaw had gone a little soft. Now peppered with a day-old stubble. Hunger had left his eyes. The tight curls on his head had lost their spring and were mild-mannered waves now. She quickly looked away before he could recognise her. There were still traces of love lining her eyes. Which she didn’t want him to see.


  1. Little did she know, his wife did the same on seeing her husband.
    Rajini padayappa dialogue, manifested into a nice quick tale. Good one..

  2. am i missing something? i cudnt get this one:(

  3. so few comments for this nice one!


  4. Disturbing, and made me nauseous.


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