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Friday, July 29, 2005

A quick tale 52


8 glasses of water a day. 7 hours of sleep. Vitamins for a healthy body. Calcium for strong nails, bones and teeth. Atkin's, South Beach, Grapefruit, Macrobiotic. Facials for smooth skin. Creams and scrubs to polish and buff. Surgery for laughter lines. Pluck, tweeze, thread, wax, shave. Sit ups for abs. Push ups for arms. Aerobics for the heart. Weight training for firming and toning. Stretches for love handles. Protein serum for bouncy hair. Detox every month. Botox every six weeks. Spinach and broccoli juice for breakfast. Miso soup for lunch. Sunflower seeds and pine nuts to snack. Fruits for dessert. Then one day she dropped everything. And let it all hang out. No one noticed the difference.


  1. > No one noticed the difference.

    She did. She started hating herself for being flabby, where she was trim before...

  2. She let it all hang.

    I blame Newton and gravity.

  3. Yes, No one noticed the difference, for none recognized her.
    Nice QT to bring out how ppl are extremely self appearance centric. The person stading next to her will have 100000s of things to think abt, ahead of 'if she missed her last botox appointment'.

  4. > No one noticed the difference.

    Coz she was still the wonderful person she had always been. Everybody still loved her.

  5. Yeah, so much effort and self control for all this.. when the truth is.. its all cosmetic companies' ad gimmicks... they thrive on making women insecure and make them use their products giving false hopes for perfect hair, skin, nails etc..or those gyms which claim u can lose 20 pounds in a matter of few days..
    nothing wrong about eating right and exercising.. but doing it all under so much pressure and being paranoid about how you look every minute.. thats what's crazy..

  6. How do you keep coming up with gems like this?

  7. And to expound on what anonymous said regarding feeding into the insecurities of women, these insidious ad campaigns by the cosmetics and plastic surgery industries only add to the distored notions men have when it comes to their perceptions of what a woman should or should not look like, rather than accepting each woman for who and what she is RIGHT. THIS. MOMENT., rather than concerning themselves with what she will eventually evolve into--sometimes tomorrow never comes for some of us. Embrace your loved ones, embrace today. Each of us and each day is a gift.

    PS: I'm with ramblings... damn Sir Newton and his theories!

  8. ammani,

    this one's reminding me of 'addiction to good health' - see my post! :-)

    and a good reply ramya - true, very true! ;-)

  9. I simply love these stories you spin!!! Am a fan :-)

  10. Ammani.. I have dropped you a mail at your vadumangai mail id. Would appreciate if you could respond. thanks.


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