Bags Packed

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


dead bird in the garden
bed gird on the bar den
ban turd in durban
bad turn in turban

Perhaps another new series. Send me your take on the photo above. Anything goes. Just post it in the comment box. Thanks!


  1. Should Poets thrive on melancholy?

  2. maybe if i play dead
    lay still,
    concrete touching my head
    someone might just notice
    i'm a pigeon, not an otis.
    take a picture
    write a poem, absurd.
    and pay homage - to me
    a mere bird.

  3. This rat race
    This farce
    That peace

  4. My last attempt at finishing the Blackmailer...

    Pointed my gun
    Holding it steady
    As is possible
    With my nerves

    Wanting to catch
    The old man
    On his temple
    Instead I hit

    An ugly grey
    Dirty old Pigeon
    On the branch
    Above his head

    The pigeon fell
    By his feet
    At once he
    Pulled out his

    Camera to click
    This ugly pic
    And I kicked
    My sorry self

  5. Recipe for Pigeon Pie.

    Step 1. Get sling shot.
    Step 2. Find pigeon
    Step 3. Make pie

  6. You can one of those "Bob books" for kids.:-)

  7. This is the End
    My Dear Friend

  8. Help... get the ambulance...Am due any minute...

  9. The end of flutter and the flights...
    The end of soaring in the skies...
    This is the end :)

  10. If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart,
    Absent thee from felicity awhile,
    And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,
    To tell my story.


The spammers are out in full force, hence the moderation. Please leave a comment and I will respond. Thank you!